Rebecca's Catch 22 Diary

Catch 22 is a magazine made for young Londoners by young Londoners, and I'm lucky enough to be working on the spring issue. Join me here, as I cut my teeth as a student journalist in England's greatest city.

A pretty picture of Rebecca

A pretty picture of Rebecca
(and a borrowed dog)


tick tock, battling against the clock

Brrr, it's a chilly December day in Tottenham, North London and I'm glad to be snug and warm in the Bernie Grant Arts Centre, where Catch 22 magazine has its offices.

I'm about halfway through a 12-week features writing course and there's only one more day 'til the Christmas break - yay! Instead of constantly focusing on the next assignment, deadline or challenge, it's so refreshing to take a look back at what I've learned since I joined the Academy in the dying days of October.

I can remember the first session at the London College of Communication (LCC) when I met the ten other student journalists as well as the two tutors, the administrator and the MD. And it wasn't just learning all those names that was daunting. As everyone introduced themselves and explained a little about their experience, I was comparing it to my own and feeling very intimidated by how much everyone had already managed to do.

I've always been guilty of comparing myself to others, and do try to remind myself that I must keep things in perspective, and not be too hard on myself.

As the course got fully underway in the beginning of November, it was interesting to get to know my fellow Catch 22ers. Every day the team will meet for a news meeting, where we all have to pick a "news peg" on which to hang a feature. It's insightful to see how our different minds work, and yeah it can be disheartening when Kate or Simmy, the tutors, cut your idea down in flames as unoriginal or badly thought out. However, there have been some rosy glow moments when ideas I've pitched have been well received and it's these that show how much I'm learning on the course and will stand me in good stead in a future professional journalism role.

Sadly, I'm still struggling with the time management aspect and there's often a flurry of my fingers over the keyboard five minutes before an assignment's deadline. Like now, Sharon the administrator wants me to hand in my blog, but I want to keep typing. Oh well, there's nothing like a cliff hanger ending to create suspense...

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