Rebecca's Catch 22 Diary

Catch 22 is a magazine made for young Londoners by young Londoners, and I'm lucky enough to be working on the spring issue. Join me here, as I cut my teeth as a student journalist in England's greatest city.

A pretty picture of Rebecca

A pretty picture of Rebecca
(and a borrowed dog)


Builder's tea and Polish sausage

Wednesday was the last official day of Catch 22 for the October cohort, so no more bi-weekly trips to Seven Sisters for me. Which may not sound like a shame, but really it is! Although it's not the most salubrious of areas, one of the great things about Seven Sisters is that high street chains have mostly overlooked it. Sure there's a big retail park a mile down the road full of those familiar brands, but the High Road is full of independent cafes and shops.

Sure I'm a massive food snob but sometimes a greasy spoon cafe is the perfect place to be, especially when it's one degree outside and you want something warm and comforting to eat. Cafe la City, is plonked right next to behemoth Tesco (sadly that's one chain you can't escape), and the staff there are bloody lovely. The food is exactly what you'd expect- fast, filling and relatively cheap. The bread is white and the tea comes in a mug, but it's unpretentious and so are the customers. The solitary man in a smart suit borrows the ketchup from the gaggle of college kids' table. Mums with pushchairs gossip next to builders reading The Sun. Forget daytime TV, spending an afternoon people watching here is far more entertaining than any synthetic soap.

Another great cafe is Tradicia, which is further up the High Road, near Bruce Grove station. The specialties are crepes and Polish food, but there are delicious salads, sandwiches and hot dishes on the menu too. The service is quite slow, even when you're the only customer! But if you have an hour to kill for lunch the turquoise exterior and the thought of delicious home made food will bring instant cheer to a mundane workday lunch.

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