Rebecca's Catch 22 Diary

Catch 22 is a magazine made for young Londoners by young Londoners, and I'm lucky enough to be working on the spring issue. Join me here, as I cut my teeth as a student journalist in England's greatest city.

A pretty picture of Rebecca

A pretty picture of Rebecca
(and a borrowed dog)


this international life

It's all well and good when your journalism teachers say "you must have a blog", but really what is a blog apart from self-publishing. A great opportunity, don't get me wrong, but without the self-promotion skills requisite to get anyone you don't know reading your work some validation is key.

At the moment validation seems to be the missing link in my journalistic job search, but I'm finally on my way to getting some thanks to the website International Life. A quirky, tongue-in-cheek website that offers "a hand-picked selection of the very best of everything in London and around the world".

I've been commissioned to write reviews of London eateries for the site, as well as news stories and who knows what else. So, if you've got a suggestion of somewhere good, or bad, that you think some attention needs directing to find me on Twitter, Facebook or add a comment below.

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